Monday, January 09, 2006

So, my Jo Jo has left me. I am by myself for a few days in Japan. Tear. Not only am I alone, which actually I am ok with, but I have succeeded in turning off the heaters in the two rooms I spend the most time in. Let me clarify. You can turn off the heater and you can apparently turn off the heater so that it doesn't come back on. I have done the later. I can't even read sweet potato in Japanese. Yet, I am too embarassed to call the family I nanny for and tell them what has happened. I guess I will be cold until I loose my pride. Praise the Lord for my electric blanket. Woo Hoo!

Plus, Joanna has me completely figured out. I started this book a couple of days ago. It is the second in the series to the book I had raved about so much before. Mind you, I am already a day behind on my study plan that I created only a week ago. I told Joanna that I would have lots of time to study and get caught up while she is gone, but she told me I would have the two books done before she got back. It is Monday night and I am finished with the first. Do I dare start the second.

Oh, on a fun note. I totally got to bake with Lil J today. It was so much fun. She is super cute. Too bad she didn't eat her supper. She didn't even get to try our great creation!


Anonymous said...

Hey,silly girl! Suck in your pride, turn on your heater, and read the second book! "You deserve a break today!" Good job baking with Julia, just don't let her eat the cake like you did on your birthday! :) Was hers as pretty as yours? Don't be too lonely without Joanna...this is the day that the Lord has made...rejoice and have a date with Jesus. Did you hear that IA beat IL in men's BB?! Yippee-doo! Go Hawks! It was Illinois's first loss! You two can still cheer from halfway around the world! I am praying for your night's rest...may it be sweet. Love you, Holly!

Kelli B said...

Holly, what books are you reading? im curious...

JessS said...


Anonymous said...

hey holly! i didn't know you were going to japan! but now i have read your entire blog and i am SO glad you are there and having so much fun! how long will you be there?

i understand your lack of heat- went through that once! blankets are KEY! weeeeeee! let me know how i can be praying for you!
LOVE YOU sister!

JessS said...


post more.

also i thought you would be interested to know that when i posted this comment my "word verification" word was:


which looks to me like:


because i'm hooked on a feelin'