Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'm just a girl who can't say "no"?

I am naive. I realize this, sometimes after the fact. I think I have a date this weekend. I say I think because at first I thought this guy was being nice wanting to show me around, that kind of stuff. So I told him I would give him my phone number. But, I think this is a date. He is going to get tickets to a game or something. And dinner. Or maybe a movie. I did it again didn't I?


Cate said...

I want you to know that since I read this post I can't stop singing that song, I'm not sure I know what musical it's from... Oklahoma, I think... and I know I don't know half the words... but Ang had it on a mix tape, and played it all the time and there is a story behind that... But I think that maybe the song is too naughty to be relevant for your night out, so you shouldn't do what she sings about in the song. (at least not on the first date anyway)

Anonymous said...

Okay seriously, do I need to come to the rescue again? I feel as though a babysitter is neccessary for you. Is this how you're trying to get me to move, by making me worry about you? I can't handle the madness anymore!
Just kidding, have fun!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo Holly! How did you meet this guy?? Give us more deets...
[this is the first time I've ever posted on a blog] --karen m

Joanna Kay said...

Don't do anything I wouldn't go... doh! No wait... don't do anything Rachel wouldnt do...
ii na (lucky!)
enjoy your date! wear your seatbelt, behave like a lady, make him open your doors, eat dessert, wear comfy shoes, don't eat anythng that could get stuck in your teeth, wash your hair, don't put make-up on that says, "i'm a hussy", keep your lady parts a mystery... and most importantly, have fun and I expect a FULL story after the weekend.
Man, a hot date? I'd forgotten people still had those. :) Enjoy it for Rachie and I.

Anonymous said...

Joanna, you are the craziest! I love you though. Holly, heed the warnings and I'm glad that through blogging the world can know how udderly ridiculous we are.

Kelli B said...

No matter if it was an accident...it is really exciting!
Please dont forget us bloggers and give us details, friend!!!