A while ago a friend posted a blog on handwashing. (
Click here and scroll down to "Dialog with me") There were many comments as people were asked to comment on the topic. At the end there was a comment from a mutual friend that mentioned the fact that I had not commented. I meant to post a long time ago, but I forgot. Thankfully I have a system to help me remember that I wanted to blog about something. I will create a title and then save as draft. That way, it is there for me to see when I log in. Sometimes I end up posting stuff, other times I delete. ANYWAY! The task at hand.
Handwashing is the number one way to prevent the spread of disease, period.
You should wash your hands after using the restroom, before eating and before preparing food. Those are the most essential times. You should wash your hands more frequently if you have a cold, work with children, in health care, etc. I have to admit, I ALWAYS wash my hands after I use the restroom and before I prepare food. BUT, I sometimes forget to wash my hands before I eat, except when I am at the hospital. I always wash my hands before eating while I am at the hospital. Sick.
Your hands are a prime spot to pick up germs, because, hello, you touch with them. Any time your hands, filled with germs comes into contact with a mucus membrane (mouth, eyes, nose)you risk getting an infection.
The issue of soap. Soap is good, but it does not have to be antibacterial soap (unless of course you are working/living in a germ infested area). I would contest that if you have the choice, you should buy soap (for your home) that is NOT antibacterial, but that is a whole different issue. If there is soap, use it. Make sure to rub your hands well for 15-30 seconds. Friction is almost as important as soap, and if you don't have soap it is one of the few things you have.
Issues of washing hands in public places. Just do it. Even if you have to touch the door handle, doesn't it make you feel better to know that you started off with clean hands?
If you are really particular, start carrying an antibacterial gel with you. There are bottles the size of a jar of carmex. Studies have actually shown that using the gel is more effective in killing germs than hand washing with soap.
So, always wash your hands. It stops the spread of disease. If there is no soap go ahead and rinse and rub. And remember, only you can prevent forest fires, oh wait, that is another lecture.